Lately for some odd reason, I haven't a clue why, I have been craving pineapple. Bright and refreshing! I think I am missing summer big time. Everyone is sick and tired of the rain but as soon as it stops the pollen jumps out at you. Fun! I don't have allergies but there is enough pollen in the air to give me a constant itchy nose. Thank good ness for flowers, specifically cherry blossoms, because I could easily skip Spring if not for them. Anyways, I quick search gave me either muffins or coffee cake. I went with Pineapple Coffee Cake from the 1950's 250 Breads, Biscuits, and Rolls. (Muffins may come later.)
Not a lot to this. Had to get buy a can of pineapple. (Now I have a nice bowl of pineapple juice for cocktails!) It does not call for much sugar, definitley not as much I was expecting. Kinda concerned.
Sadly I do not have a ring mold so no party airs will be had.
A little bit of this...little bit of that..
I decided to try this cake by hand. No standing mixer this time.
Mixed nicely together but it does take more time to cut in the shortening with only forks.
No party airs but I tried to get a little bit fancy. I pretty certain I used more than 1 1/2 cups of pineapple.
It was difficult to try to spread the topping without ruining my beautiful design. Clumps work.
My apartment smells heavenly! Like a summer morning...I just need some coffee.
It looks so bright and cheerful!
Sometimes I just don't want to wait to taste my experiments but I have learned better. Almost everything I've baked tasted better after it has cooled.
The topping was soft and juicy and the cake layer was dense and a tad dry. I was disappointed at first but then I remembered that it is coffee cake. The cake is suppose to be dry! I just needed the coffee. This was a nice twist on a coffee cake and a welcome change. The pineapple adds just enough sweetness. The best bite has a both the pineapple and the cake.
My Rating: Keeper! Great for a brunch.
Friends and Family Rating: "Oh, this is really good." "Did I like it? I ate a huge piece. It was great!"