I am back to wandering through Wisconsin Gas and Electric's Christmas Cookies pamphlet. I had never heard of Peco Cookies and the ingredients sounded interesting. A quick Internet search brought me zero information of these. They either weren't popular or just forgotten.
I'm guessing that the 'Peco' is a combination of peanut (from peanut butter) and coconut.
An intriguing combination of ingredients.I love coconut but am not a fan of graham crackers. This will be interesting.
This makes a thick dough.
Looking good so far...
These baked up nicely but looked a bit dry.
I wasn't certain what to expect from this recipe but was pleasantly surprised. They were delicious! Although they looked dry they were nice, chewy and moist and did not taste like graham crackers at all. Bonus! They are fairly dense but have a great flavor. They must have just been forgotten with time.
My Rating: Yum! I'll keep it.
Friends and Family Rating: "Yummy!" "These are great."
These were very tasty!