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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Pork Chop Suey

There is a ton of stories surrounding the creation of chop suey. They all agree that it is a "Chinese" dish created in the US but how and why and even if it is a variation of a traditional Chinese dish is all debated. Not that any of that matters when you are eating it. This dish is not seen much any more but it was very popular in the 1950's.
This recipe is from The Modern Family Cook Book by Meta Given published in 1953. Doesn't look too difficult.
 I had to search a bit to find the can of chop suey veggies. Sooo much celery! I like celery And way too many onions. I had to cut it back to only one.
 Frying everything up together! Easy Peasy
 Just waiting on the sauce to thicken...
 Ta Da! Yum!
 This recipe was super easy and tasty (as long as you like celery). It is not very colorful. It's brown covered with brown sauce but don't let that fool you. It is good! I would definately add more vegetables, like carrots, next time. I wasn't certain what exactly was in canned chop suey veggies but it looks easy enough to gather the veggies on your own and skip the can.

My Rating: Tasty!

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