What does it say about me when I can choose almost any recipe and have all the ingredients already in my cupboards? Do I have too many baking ingredients? My boyfriends says no. hahaha These pecan rolls turned out a little funky looking but were delicious.
So...were brides judged by their biscuit making abilities? I would fail! I don't like biscuits. But I will make them for others because I am nice like that. And I am not above using food as a bribe.
I had to try the pecan rolls after seeing the picture. As I said before, I had all the ingredients.
Strangely enough, milk is usually what I am missing since I don't drink it. I have no idea why I had a whole carton of it. I didn't have pecan halves but I figured pecan pieces would work just as well.
The start of a beautiful roll...You know it's going to be nice and sweet when you use this much brown sugar!
Check out that beautiful marble board! My amazing boyfriend got that for no for the Holidays and it is fantastic! The biscuit roll dough came together really nicely and, thanks to the marble, I was able to use less flour when kneading and rolling out.
I have issues with rectangles.
These look like they are going to be similar to sticky buns. Yum...
Looking back, I probably should have put more brown sugar in the rolls. A quarter of a cup doesn't look like enough.
They look so pretty! Sometimes I am a little unsure when I put things in the oven but I am feeling great about these!!
My place is encased in a bubble of pecans and brown sugar. Who needs scented candles?!
Well, good news and bad news. Good news: They taste great! Bad news: They stuck to the pan. Since the bottoms were so gooey I thought it would be a good idea to let them cool in the pan a bit. Then they hardened in the pan. I put them back in the oven to soften them and then had to pull out the knife. Eventually, I won the battle!
They ended up looking really battered and in pieces! It's make your own! Just pick up a couple of pecan pieces and a chunk of sugar and put them on top of your roll. Ta Da! Pecan Roll!
These little rolls were easy and delicious! The bottom/tops ended up caramelizing instead of staying soft and gooey. I would make these all together in a round pan next time to make them easier to flip over.
My Rating: Yum! Would make again with a few changes.
Friends and Family Rating: "Did they explode?" Several days later..."Do you have any more?"