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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Round-Up Barbecue

 It's been a while. No excuses. 

I found this little gem at a book garage sale a while back. The lady was cleaning out her collection and she had some really neat books. I looked at but left a few really cool vintage ones until I realized that when she said she was cleaning out her collection she meant it and I went back to get them. I can't pass up a book deal! So I came home with a couple of great cookbooks including this on by Minute Rice.

So let's explore the Exciting World of Rice Dishes! There are some basic casserole dishes, several American-ized dishes (typical of the 1950's), and a few desserts but what really caught my eye as something new and interesting was the Round-Up Barbecue!
I didn't have Tabasco so we went with Siracha. I hate mustard but I'll give it a chance in this dish. Dylan was less than thrilled with the ingredients. Oh well. It has hotdogs!
Made myself a little foil bowl. And then it is time to layer. I had to move everything to a larger bowl once I started layering.
Oh Boy! Doesn't that look appealing...I am starting to wonder if I'm going to have to order pizza tonight.
We don't have a grill at the moment but I have an oven. It's not exactly the same but between the oven and the broiler I think I can make this work.
Well, it cooked! Still kinda scary but doesn't smell bad. Which is also scary...
There is no way this is suppose to be for 4 people! It makes 2 portions, barely. Or just 1 if you are hungry.

Well, it definitely was something different. My oven method needed work as the rice ended up still being a bit crunchy and it took almost twice as long to cook. I think it actually would have worked well on a campfire. And it tasted like something that should be cooked while camping. It was not bad. It was not great. I would only make it again if I went camping (but I have no intention of ever going camping). It needed more cheese and better quality hot dogs. Don't buy cheap hot dogs! Kids would probably enjoy it more.

My Rating: Fun to try but not something to make again. Probably.

Dylan's Rating: Not bad. Not as scary or gross as it looked.

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