So, I have this huge box of cornflakes. I'm not a big cereal fan and Dylan eats bran flakes. Yes, he's kinda strange like that. This huge box (they don't sell them any smaller) is just sitting in my cabinet, staring at me. So I began the hunt. Six cookbooks later I found this recipe in Wisconsin Power and Light Company's 1963 pamphlet Cookies (all kinds). Not super excited about it but the recipe claims it is 'delicious' and, most importantly, it includes a good amount of cornflakes.
Easy peasy looking. Just had to get margarine. Had the cornflakes!I am little concerned about the lack of liquid. How are these things going to stick together?
He He He. I just thought this was a cool shot.
Yep. Nothing is sticking together. It is just a large bowl of crumbs. I even tried using my hand to warm up the margarine more but it is not happening.
So, I added more margarine a tablespoon at a time until I got something that I could squish together into a ball. It ended up being almost double the original amount.
But I get pecan balls! They are still crumbly though...
And still crumbly...they are not looking appealing to me but I still have powdered sugar to add.
Oh! These look much better! Almost like Russian Tea Cakes.
They look quite pretty and smell delicately of cinnamon.
They are pretty rocks. I was so disappointed in these. I'm not certain what went wrong but these did not turn out well! It could have been the flour wasn't sifted enough or the cornflakes weren't ground fine enough or a combination of everything. The outside was hard as a rock and the inside just flaked apart. I was not a fan. Dylan like them though. (He also admits that he usually eats the reject cookies so he will eat almost anything.) He enjoyed the light cinnamon flavor and the crunch.